The back porch job has finally started! On Labor Day, we demo'd the existing ceiling (including pulling out the old ceiling fan and about a million nails) and framed up the back wall. I already managed to accidentally hack through the old wiring with the pry-bar I was using to bring down the ceiling (no big deal, though). And somebody grabbed the ceiling fan, which I had put out by the street, within hours. We didn't finish framing out the windows, because once we got to this point we decided we wanted to get taller ones (we added 4" to them).

Not a bad start, though we'll be replacing the old corner posts with some new ones, which will be a pain. But the other two walls should go up pretty quickly after that, and then it'll be time for closing up the exterior and wiring while we wait for our windows and doors to show up from the Depot...
1 comment:
What a guy could do is use a basement floor jack to prop up the sides while the posts are replace...That is if a guy has a floor jack.
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